New Hold Options for eBooks

The “Auto-Checkout” feature on the Nassau Digital Doorway site has been replaced with a new “Hold Redelivery/Deliver Later” option that gives users more control over their holds so that they can borrow and read titles when it’s most convenient for them. Now NDD users can have a reserved item “delivered later” if they are not ready to read it but still wish to remain in the wait queue. Here’s how it works:download ebooks - OverDrive

After receiving notification that a hold is available, the user can opt to:

  1. Borrow the title within 3 days;
  2. Choose “deliver later” and pass the book to the next person in line for a self-selected period. After the “deliver later” date, the user will receive the next available copy; or
  3. Cancel the hold.

If the user takes no action during the hold-pickup window, the “deliver after seven days” option will be automatically applied as a one-time courtesy. If the user takes no action a second time, the hold will be canceled.

View the video explaining this new feature.